England is not only the inchoative country of the world Industrial Revolution, but also the first country which established the child welfare system. 英国不仅是世界工业革命的肇始国,也是世界上最早建立儿童福利制度的国家。
At present, some administrative divisions have started the management systems which have implemented the separation of network from cable broadcasting station, and some industrial cable broadcasting stations also have begin to attempt comprehensive transition from the welfare systems to the compensated service systems. 目前一些行政区域有线台已开始实施台网分离的管理体制,一些企业有线台也着手尝试从福利体制向有偿服务体制的全面过渡。
The improvement in country industrial international competitiveness, concern directly the whole welfare of its people. 一国产业国际竞争力的提高,直接关系到其国民整体福利的改善。
Finally the thesis carries out some specific suggestions for its implementation in fields of targeting industries, matching-up with industrial policies, favorable institutional environment creation and rational arrangement among free trade, foreign capital utilization and national welfare improvement. 论文最后从适当行业的选择、产业政策的配合、创造良好的制度环境以及正确处理自由贸易和利用外资与增进国民福利的关系等规模阐述了实施战略性贸易政策的具体建议措施。
To explore the influence of leisure economy on social industrial structure, it is necessary to understand what leisure economy is and the differences between rest and leisure, self-leisure and society leisure, welfare leisure and payoff leisure, etc. 探讨休闲经济对社会产业结构的影响,首先需要界定休闲经济的内涵,需要对休息与休闲、自我休闲与社会休闲、福利休闲和付费休闲等概念进行必要的划分。
While product charge will decrease product quality, increase industrial aggregation emission and reduce social welfare. 而对污染型产品收费则会降低产品的环境质量,增加产业污染排放,降低社会福利。
This paper investigates applicability of trade and industrial policy in chinese car market from social welfare and put up empirical analysis, using CES utility function. 本文通过校正模型的方法,利用不变替代弹性效用函数从社会福利最大化的角度,对中国轿车行业最佳贸易和产业政策进行经验分析。
Evaluation of Industrial Technology Development with Social Welfare Standard 评价产业技术发展的社会福利标准
If ignore the international industrial competitiveness, make industry lose surviving and development space, which people welfare would receive the fundamental harm unavoidably. 如果忽视了本国产业的国际竞争力,使本国的民族产业失去了生存和发展的空间,就不可避免地会使国民的福利受到根本性的损害。
Through the analysis of the local laws, departmental regulations and industrial collective agreement, the wages composition and non-wages welfare expenditure are determined for the local workers. 通过对当地法律、部门规定和行业集体协议等的分析,确定当地工人的工资构成及非工资性福利开支。
Chapter 4 studies the relationship of industrial clustering, FDI inflow and welfare of the host country. 第6章研究了FDI进入与江苏产业集聚的关系。发现外资进入是导致江苏产业集聚的主要力量,江苏产业集聚很大程度上是FDI嵌入型集聚。
The results show that can under Cournot condition, unit emission standards can reduce industrial emission, improve product environmental quality and social welfare; 结果表明,厂商进行产量竞争时,产品排放标准可以提高产品质量,减少产业污染排放,提高社会福利;
The development of small business enterprises functions much in developing regional economy, promoting industrial structure to higher grade and improving the social welfare. 小企业发展在区域经济增长、结构升级和福利改善中发挥着重要作用。
The essay lays its stress on the challenges to education by the economic transformation, owing to which, we have to regard education as something industrial instead of consumptive or welfare; 现代经济的转型对教育提出了新挑战,这就要求我们转变传统的教育消费观、福利观为教育的产业观;
Competition is the essentially important factor to enhance the industrial overall efficiency and improve the overall society welfare. 竞争是提高产业整体效率、改善社会整体福利的不可缺少的重要因素。
In the hope of promoting the Wuhan City Economic Development at the same time, can make industrial structure to upgrade, the level of social welfare can be improved. 希望能在促进武汉市经济发展的同时,能够使产业结构得以提升,社会福利水平得以提高。
The research provides a reference for the configuration planning of public welfare service facilities to such new industrial area towns, and try to play a promotion and an exemplary role to the planning and construction of public welfare facilities in new industrial area towns. 以此为新兴工业区村镇公益性服务设施配置规划提供参考依据,并试图为经济发展较快地区村镇公益性服务设施的配置规划与建设起到推广、示范的作用。
Industrial monopoly impede fair competition in the market and the effective allocation of resources and the whole social welfare decreases, and affect the orderly development of socialist market economy. 产业垄断阻碍市场公平竞争及资源有效配置和社会整体福利的降低、影响到社会主义市场经济的有序发展。
On the basis of those, this research paper draws the following main conclusions. ( 1) The development of small business enterprises functions much in developing regional economy, promoting industrial structure to higher grade and improving the social welfare. 在此基础上,本研究得出了以下主要结论:(1)小企业发展在区域经济增长、结构升级和福利改善中发挥着重要作用。
This paper looks into the industrial waste pollution in towns in the process of industrialization by means of principles and methods in Economics, Resource and Environment Economics and Welfare Economics. 本文运用经济学、资源环境经济学和福利经济学的原理和方法,以工业化过程中乡镇工业污染为研究对象进行了分析。
In orthodox industrial organization theories, the competition and cooperation between enterprises can no coexist, cooperation is deemed to expel competition and undermine the social welfare. 在正统产业组织理论当中,企业之间的竞争与合作是无法共存的,合作一定是扼杀竞争和伤害社会福利的。
When the enterprises in industrial cluster innovate with cooperation, the better the closer distance between the cooperative enterprises, its technical innovation, and quantity of production, profit and social welfare will increases along with the distance between enterprises reducing. 产业集群内企业进行合作创新时,合作企业间的距离越近越好,其技术创新水平、产量、利润和社会福利随企业间距离减少而增大。
In order to improve industrial efficiency and social welfare, the highly integrated structure of electricity industry was broken. 为了提高产业效率及社会福利,电力产业曾经高度一体化的垄断结构被打破了。
Convergence of regional industrial structure brought about by the decline in the overall efficiency and welfare loss. 区域产业结构趋同带来整体效率的下降和福利的损失。
With market-oriented economy developing further, industrial economy characteristics of tourist attractions are becoming more obvious and the contradiction between the aim of efficiency and welfare is more prominent. 随着市场化经济的不断深入,中国旅游景区的产业经济特征越来越明显,景区发展的效率目标与福利目标的矛盾日益突出。
This new pattern satisfies the needs of industrial structure rationalizing, economy development ordering and social development persistence, which is able to change the economic development model counted on the investment and improve the social welfare. 这种新的经济形态符合产业结构合理化、经济发展有序化、以及社会发展持续化的要求,能够改变我国依靠投资拉动经济发展的模式,并且能够促进社会总福利的提升。
When the transport cost reduces, the industrial distribution changes from the symmetry to the agglomeration, which is consistent with the social welfare maximum. 当运输成本下降时,产业布局由最初的均匀对称分布向完全集聚演变,这种空间均衡状态的变化与社会福利最大化基本保持一致。